Legacy Ford of McDonough

Feb 7, 2024

Neglecting to check on the condition of your tires can result in the frustration of a flat tire while out on the road. Poor tire maintenance might even result in more serious safety hazards such as blowouts or skids. With this in mind, if you detect the following issues with your tires, head straight to your nearest Ford dealership for a set of new tires

Time for New Tires? Visit Your Ford Dealership Today

Blisters, Cuts, or Cracks

The structural integrity of a tire is threatened by any kind of significant damage. Any kind of deep cut from a road object will usually make a tire unsafe to continue using. 

Likewise, bulges or blisters often point to serious internal damage that shouldn’t be ignored. Long, deep, or awkwardly positioned cracks may also spell the end of the road for the tire. 

Worn-Out Tread Depths

Tire treads inevitably diminish over time, but the tread depths of tires should never be allowed to fall beneath 2/32 of an inch. This would reduce the tire’s ability to grip road surfaces, especially when driving on a puddle or wet patch; water needs to be displaced by deep enough treads, without which a dangerous skid can easily ensue. 

Inexplicable Air Loss

While periodically checking the pressure of your tires, pay attention if one of them seems to be steadily losing air. Even slight inexplicable air loss means there’s something wrong with the tire. A hidden puncture might be releasing the air, threatening to become a full blowout on the road. 

Road Noise and Vibrations

When tires become worn out or damaged, you may notice a difference in overall road noise and vibrations. If your car feels and sounds rougher than usual, check your tires or ask a technician to inspect them for you.

Significantly Uneven Tires

Car tires almost always wear down unevenly. This is caused by the unbalanced pressures of the brakes, steering, and vehicle weight across the length of the vehicle. While regular tire rotation can usually mitigate uneven tire wear, sometimes tires become too uneven in size and need to be replaced. 

Climates With Extreme Temperatures 

The temperature can have a big impact on tire pressure, which might put the driver at risk. Extremely cold weather can cause air pressure to diminish, potentially leading to overheating and blowouts. Conversely, hot climates can expand the air inside tires, which leads to overinflation and further risks of skids and blowouts. 

Excessively Old Tires

Most tires won’t last for more than six years before they start to fail. It’s wise to consider replacing your tires after six years, even if they appear to still be in good condition. 

The toughest of tires might last for ten years; it’s certainly unwise to use the same tires for more than a decade. Always check the recommended duration of use that comes with your particular brand of tires. 

Have your tires checked, rotated, or replaced today at Legacy Ford of McDonough. We’re a locally trusted full-service dealership that puts customer satisfaction first and foremost in all that we do.